Gun Factory 

Literature details: The Makarov Pistol (volume 1 and volume 2)   (Created: 23.03.2021, Changed: 23.03.2021)

Literature details | Pictures (2) | Weapons (5)

Literature details (Top):

Literature:The Makarov Pistol (volume 1 and volume 2)
The Makarov Pistol (volume 1 and volume 2)
Text only available in German:
The Makarov Pistol
Henry C. Brown & Cameron S. White & Edwin H. Lowe
Volume 1:
Soviet Union & East Germany
Volume 2:
China, Bulgaria & Khyber Pass Copies
Ausführliche Beschreibung aller Makarov Pistolen Varianten, inkl. dem Zubehör wie Holster, Putzstöcke, Magazine, etc.

Weapons (Top):

Makarov UdSSR
Makarov Bulgarien
Makarov China
Makarov Baikal MP-71
Makarov DDR

Pictures (Top):

The Makarov Pistol (volume 1 and volume 2) The Makarov Pistol (volume 1 and volume 2)      
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The Makarov Pistol (volume 1 and volume 2)
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The Makarov Pistol (volume 1 and volume 2)